IDEOLOGIC - traduzione in arabo
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IDEOLOGIC - traduzione in arabo



أَيْدُيُولُوجِيّ ; عَقَائِديّ

أيديولوجى ، عقائدى خاص بعلم التصور
صِفَة : أيديولوجي . مَذْهبي
Esempi dal corpus di testo per IDEOLOGIC
1. It‘s a lot harder for him to make it, and the fact that it‘s happening speaks all the more to his credit." Mabjish spent five years at Ideologic and at its sister company Saatchi & Saatchi Interactive.
2. I wanted to do big things, and big things pass through [Israel‘s] center." Happily, his resume rolled into the hands of Doron Tal, chief executive of Ideologic, the interactive department of Publicis.
3. I should however review two mistakes I have made in my analysis÷ 1) I saw the technologic superiority of the US Air Forces, but I wasn‘t able to forsee how incapable the hired army of the US armed forces would be bringing harmony and order to Iraq. 2) I allowed for the depth of knowledge in the neo–cons who are shaping US foreign policy, but I didn‘t realize that their ideologic obsessions would create ideologic blindness on this level. ××× As far as I‘m concerned, the US administration‘s bogged down policy in Iraq has brought that country to the point of civil war.
4. Industry sources think an Adler, Chomsky merger with Publicis is a real possibility, and that Publicis would mix in other Israeli companies in which it owns a stake, including Ideologic and Albustenai, which specializes in advertising in the Arabic–language sector.